Tag: python

  • DHT22 is logging

    DHT22 is logging

    For my indoor garden I wanted to monitor the temperature inside and outside the tent. It is in the basement, which I don’t think ever gets above 70 or below 50, but to control the plant’s cycles I need to control light and temp. The light came with an App so I just needed to get temp data into my database. Here is the code I’m using at the moment. I’d also like to log outside temperature data, but I haven’t figured that out yet. I’m think there has got to be an API for the NWS that I can put in a zip code and get the temp and humidity. Here is the code, and some notes.

    We need to get some libraries and connect to the sensors.

    I have two functions. One to get the data from the sensors, and one to insert the data into the database.

    insert data

    Where the magic happens

    and some cleanup

    So I calculated the space needed by putting 10 readings in the db, and if the average holds(which it should only go down) I will use about 840 MB a year to get a reading every minute, which I don’t really think I would need, so I’ll probably lower it to once an hour maybe later.

    1638 average row size, in bytes(i think)

    so 1.6kb a reading.

    60 minutes * 24 hours * 1.6kb = 2,304kb a day

    2.3MB * 365 = 839.5MB a year

  • Python interface to Kasa Devices

    Python interface to Kasa Devices

    The starting point for this project is the Kasa powerstrip I posted about, like a month ago. I’m trying o code up something to log power levels directly to a mysql db.

    Python Kasa library

    Python MySQL library

    Both seem to have good documentation on how to use them.

    The kasa library requires asyncio, which I haven’t really messed with async programing before, so I get to learn some new concepts. Though what little I know tells me it’s just a way to keep a connection open while waiting on the other end to respond.

    asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.

    asyncio is used as a foundation for multiple Python asynchronous frameworks that provide high-performance network and web-servers, database connection libraries, distributed task queues, etc.


    This is really all I need to know, I think.

    I’ve slapped together this to print the data I want with python

    import asyncio
    from kasa import Discover
    async def main():
        dev = await Discover.discover_single("powerstrip.lan")
        await dev.update()
            # possible features:
            # state
            # rssi
            # on_since
            # reboot
            # led
            # cloud_connection
            # current_consumption
            # consumption_today
            # consumption_this_month
            # consumption_total
            # voltage
            # current
        state = dev.features.get("state")
        voltage = dev.features.get("voltage")
        current = dev.features.get("current")
        current_consumption = dev.features.get("current_consumption")
        consumption_this_month = dev.features.get("consumption_this_month")
        consumption_today = dev.features.get("consumption_today")
        # open file and write values
        f = open("power.txt", "w")
        f.write(f'Power On: {state.value}<br>{voltage.value} V {current.value} A {current_consumption.value} W<br>Today: {consumption_today.value} kwh<br>This Month: {consumption_this_month.value} kwh')
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Which gives me this in WordPress:

    Not directly of course, I haven’t gotten that far yet. For now, the python writes a text file with HTML tags for display. I have an hourly cron job that uses scp to copy the file over to /var/www, and then some php in my functions.php file to load the file, and display it as a wordpress shortcode.

    The stupid WordPress part took the longest, but I understand the layout of wordpress a little better. It has been around and popular for so long, that it is easy finding well written documentation, but I’ve found that a lot of it is outdated. It is very annoying to read through something, try it out, and then find your error is because you’re trying to use a deprecated feature.

    The vision is a cron job that runs a python script to import data directly into the DB, and then php pulls the data from the DB, but the next step is to just get something into to DB.

  • $40 Kasa HS300 Smart Power Strip

    $40 Kasa HS300 Smart Power Strip

    I impulse-bought 2 of these because it seemed like exactly what I needed for a couple projects. 6 individually controlled power outlets, and three always on USB ports. Each port monitors voltage and amps. And I even found a Python library that controls it and all the other Kasa smart devices I own. 😍

    And look here. An official MySQL Python Connector.

    So, this is a start.

    # commented out code is example code...  for now
    import asyncio
    from kasa import Discover
    async def main():
        # dev = await Discover.discover_single("",username="un@example.com",password="pw")
        # me no think me need login
        dev = await Discover.discover_single("")
        # await dev.turn_on()
        # await dev.update()
        # me just want Info for now
        devInfo = dev.hw_info 
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    which gives me this

    <class 'dict'>
    {'sw_ver': '1.0.12 Build 220121 Rel.175814', 'hw_ver': '2.0', 'mac': 'B0:19:21:DF:80:D0', 'mic_type': 'IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH', 'hwId': '955F433CBA24823A248A59AA64571A73', 'oemId': '32BD0B21AA9BF8E84737D1DB1C66E883'}

    I could probably use this command to populate the device table with ease.