March 2022

CC your lawyer on everything

BOOM – instant protection from discovery. That’s attorney-client privilege.

I’m tempted to categorize this post as Art, because I don’t know how else to describe such a beautifully stupid loophole.

Humans are weird…

I’m listening to one of my smarter coworkers give a presentation. The poor guy can’t say the word “specific” to save his life. It’s always “pecific”. Probably as annoyed with his brain as I am annoyed with mine.

One liner

You telling me a cis-teen built this chapel? đź’’

This comment was on a post about Goldman Sachs’ CEO demanding that his workers come back to the office.

“Really this is a severely underreported aspect of the pandemic tragedy. I mean since wfh has become a thing poor ultra-powerful men like this have either had to subside strictly on fucking their brood-mare wives or have had the humiliation of paying for sex if they want to fuck anyone around their granddaughter’s age. Can you imagine how awful this may be?? So next time you’re bitching about having to spend 10-15% of your day getting ready for and commuting to work remember that this piece of shit needs quality pussy to graze on while in the office and you with all your selfish needs and misplaced feelings of worth are getting in the way of that. I mean really if he could be honest he’d have no problem if everyone stayed home but attractive women age 30 and under but sadly the world is just a little too intolerant for that just yet.”

It really do be like that…

Bought a house!

I’ve finally found where I’m going to live the next 5-10 years, and possibly the rest of my life(hope not). It’s in the Blue Hills Neighborhood. 5219 Woodland Avenue.

I love the front porch. This of course is NOT the only reason I bought the house, but it certainly helped seal the deal.

I’ll expand this post or do another post with more details and the like once I move in. The plan is to close in three weeks, which is March 31.