May 2021

New painting in the works

I was browsing National Geographic’s Instagram and found a photo I liked, so I printed it out, and I’ve got a sketch going. I’m going to use one of my 12×16 canvas boards.

Not sure if I’m done yet or not. I’m going to sleep on it. I usually scare them up if I keep painting.

I bought a few more domain names on a whim

Listing them here as a reminder, and also to get the sweet, sweet, SEO baby!

Currently that all point here, but I’ll figure out what to do with them at some point. I was thinking for the .lol one, I could slap together something that would turn all the body text of this site into something funny, and output it to

Cut down the dead tree in the front yard

It was an evergreen tree that got some sort of blight. The blight was going around the Midwest for probably ten years now. Colorado got hit hard.

You can faintly hear me yell “wohoo!”.

Shaved head and face

Did it at the same time. I’m planning on seeing how long I can go without cutting either