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Ok, time to download the source and compline. I’m still following the manual located here. So I’ll download the client and server tars and decompress them to temp. It looks to be the standard configure, make, make install that is common in FOSS software. For the server configure got me this, so it looks like…
Ok, back at it. I’m starting at the dependencies section in the Guacamole manual here. I think I’ll just use this page to build the command to make things easy. I probably already have a bunch of these installed, but apt will sort that out for me. Much quicker than stare and compare. I’m pretty…
So… Now that I’m back at it I can load the test page but the highlighted links give me a Tomcat 404 error page, so something is wrong. I found this guide to setting up Tomcat on Ubuntu LTS 22 here. First I need to a user setup in /etc/tomcat9/tomcat-users.xml. That should do the ticket…
To setup Apache Guacamole I’ll be following the install guide here: https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/installing-guacamole.html Looks like the first step is to have a working Java Servlet, which I don’t have. I’m going with Apache Tomcat as it’s been around forever so there is lots of documentation. Also, Ubuntu has package files which always makes things easier. ‘apt…
Looking at the logs it’s been down since October 22, 2023. I’m not sure if that is when my fiber IP changed, or when the line from the fiber jack to the router in the basement broke. The line quite working right before I had to work from home, so I just put the wifi…
Man this place was awful. I didn’t expect much, but I was still disappointed. I got the mushroom chicken and pepper steak. Next time I’ll just go with the orange chicken, their standard.
I need get a new job. Working nights sucks ass. I can barely sleep.