This system is too butt-ass-naked to be useful, even just as a hypervisor, so more fuck’n around.
more packages to install:
create user
useradd -m frank
passwd frank
here I realize I don’t have a network connection
en01 is now detected as eth0, for one, so edited /etc/systemd/network/ to fix that.
# enable NetworkManager
systemctl enable NetworkManager
systemctl start NetworkManager
Sweet. where was I?
I’ve got network, so I need ssh, because Hyper-V sucks for running linux. no copo pasto.
pacman -S openssh
systemctl enable sshd
pacman -S sudo
uncomment to allow users in wheel to sudo in /etc/sudoers
usermod -G wheel frank
finally, I can ssh in and copy and paste.
list of more packages to install:
posix wget zip unzip gzip libvirt qemu-base
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